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Girlfriends is a Christian ministry inspiring women to launch their purpose; by igniting their passion and dreams. Girlfriends exist to empower every woman to define her divine moments in life, using her unique passions and talents to influence her world for the Gospel.  She understands that her God-given identity is the core of her influence in every spere she walks in.   She believes that in order to fulfill her destiny, she must be surrounded with like-minded women who empower her, who encourage her, challenge her, and help her grow.



We are women just like you + Engaging women to come to know Jesus + Giving women an opportunity to lead. Encouraging women to live bold and confident + Cultivating your purpose + Unleashing your potential. Igniting your purpose. Changing lives one woman at a time.  Catapulting women + Showing women how to live life on purpose. Becoming the woman to reach other women for Christ.  Being resourceful.  Presenting opportunities for growth + Igniting your passion + Women of faith + Using our God-given gifts to build the Kingdom.  Cultivating women.  Reclaim your dreams +  Moving forward + Living bigger + Recognizing your moments + Launch your purpose + Open to all women!

Dr. sheila hill

With the Love for God and a clear understanding of her purpose in Christ, the Lord has given Sheila Hill a passion to encourage others to step out on faith as they strive to reach their destiny in Him. 


Dr. Sheila Hill knows all about being the ultimate woman and doesn't mind sharing the secrets of her success with other women. As a highly skilled professional and businesswoman with over 25+ years of experience, Dr. Hill knows what it takes to start and build a business from the ground up.  The multi-faceted entrepreneur, certified life coach, and international speaker has an energetic personality and her messages are both very candid and open.  As she leads with wisdom and grace, Sheila has made it her personal mission to teach women to live their lives with purpose. 


Her goal is to lead women in removing the barriers to success and to break the cycle of redundant behaviors that keep them from achieving their true purpose.  Dr. Hill is passionate about helping women discover their why, articulate who they are, and identify their life mission!  She's on a mission to give women the support and tools they need to take control of their personal and spiritual life and achieve their God-given purpose.


Dr. Hill is the Co-Pastor at the Park Church, where she leads people to meet God and discover His purpose for their life.  She is also the co-founder of Think Big an entrepreneur and accelerator center providing business development and resources for minority and women-owned businesses.  Dr. Hill is President of Women & Wealth a woman's leadership development initiative and Founder of the Girlfriends Network.


She hopes to help women worldwide to execute their passion and purpose!

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